Saint Nicolas Church, Prague 1 - Old Town

logo mikulas2The Czechoslovak hussite church, Parish community Prague 1 - Old Town, cordially invites you to visit the church of st. Nicolas  at Old Town Square in Prague

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Events Calendar

Benefiční koncert Council Rock
Sunday, 10. April 2022, 14:00 - 15:00
Hits : 299

Dear Martina,

thanks for your Email! I wish you good luck with the advent season, hopefully Covid will be just a bad memory!

I do have the first query for 2022 ?

It’s a small orchestra of students from the united states. They will be in Prague the 9th and the 10th April 2022. Which date fits you better?

I still don’t know how many musician will the orchestra count, maybe 25? Do you have experience with such ensembles in your church(do they fit?)

Many thanks Martina, hope to see you soon!


Davide Jamunno

PDM Touristik GmbH

+43 1 478 80 90 – 64


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