kostel sv. Mikuláše, Praha 1

logo mikulas2Náboženská obec Církve československé husitské Praha 1 - Staré Město Pražské srdečně zve k návštěvě kostela sv. Milukáše na Staroměstském náměstí v Praze.

love uk

Kalendář událostí

Marquette String Orchestra
čtvrtek, 24. březen 2022, 14:00 - 15:00
Shlédnutí : 257

oft he Marquette String Orchestra (USA). The group is very honoured and kindly ask you for your allowance to perform as followes:

Name of the group:                       Marquette String Orchestra

Country:                                         USA

Date:                                              Thursday, 24.03.2022

Time:                                             02:00 p.m.

Number of Musicians:                  approx 40 students

Fee:                                                        I will pay all the fees mentioned in your information letter as mentioned

Promotion material:                        I will send you all re requested posters and programs in time

Once again, thank you very much in advance for all you will do for this group. I just kindly ask you for a short reconfirmation. 

In the meantime stay safe and healty and all the best to you!

Greetings from Vienna


Brigitte Neumeister

Mobile: +43 664 73458367

Home: +43 1 3335887

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